Team Postlethwait

Hello I’m Samantha and I run Albert Postlethwait

I’ve been sewing for around 10 years and have a degree in fashion and textiles. Sewing is my passion as well as my full-time job. I also run another small business which upcycles old bedding and curtains into accessories.

I'm a self-taught seamstress and originally began making cloth nappies for my son Benji when he was a baby. I had many requests from friends to buy my nappies, so I began to sell them and slowly introduced a clothing range. 

Albert Postlethwait was born in 2013 and ran very successfully for 3 years until I took a break to go to university. I spent 3 years completing my degree and then decided to pick up where I left off, expanding my range.

 Rob is my partner in crime and owns the shop where my studio is based. He's very good at getting me cups of tea and carrying bolts of fabric up the stairs. He doesn't know how to use a sewing machine, but he's very good with a guitar.

Rae and Benji are mini Postlethwaits and make perfect models for my projects.

Rae is exceptionally talented at embroidery and does all the custom embroidery for me.